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  • Writer's pictureKristi Wyant

Welcome to Wellness Wednesdays!

The first activities that we would like you to do focus on all aspects of health. These will not take you very long, but will make a huge impact in your day!

Physical: Exercise for 30 minutes! The activity is up to you, just get your body moving. If you are searching for activities that you can do while being confined to your house, please see the blog post about alternate activities.

Social: Reach out to a friend or family member to say "Hi! How are you?". When you initiate conversation without expecting anything in return, you will feel good afterward!

Emotional: Look at yourself in the mirror and give yourself a compliment. When you say positive things, it lifts your mood.

Mental: Put your electronics away! Give yourself 30 minutes of tech-free time. Focus on the people and things around you. By being in the moment, you will have a better attention span and a more positive attitude.

Please see additional resources for meditation, gratitude journaling, and physical activity materials. We will cover more of these in weeks to come, but we wanted to start with some tangible activities that you can easily incorporate to improve your health and well-being.

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